karmic & potent Full Moon in Cancer
What I’m very quickly learning about predictive astrology is… that it’s really bloody difficult and takes a lot of contemplative energy! It’s no easy feat learning how to interpret the dynamic, complex, multi-layered synodic cycles of the planets, by comparison of multiple snapshots of the sky. Predictions require you to cast your net wide enough to consider enough high probability snapshots before you even start comparing the likelihood, and I have neither the experience nor the patience to do that at this time.
What I have been doing is paying attention to upcoming transits and doing my best to see how they fit in to my bigger story. In November, I wrote about the full moon that happened in my Taurus 8th house, often known as the house of death, that had the energetic signature of sudden endings. At the time, it seemed like there wasn’t anything noticeable that had reached a culmination or peak.
(8th house: transformation, death-rebirth, inheritance, shared resources, joint finances, taxes, debts, loans, investments, other people’s money, power dynamics, control, intimacy, vulnerability, fears, secrets, taboos, crisis, shadow work, healing through pain, personal regeneration, deep emotional bonds, soul contracts, karma, ancestral lineage, legacy, endings, metaphysical and occult knowledge, mysticism, esoteric studies, spiritual transformation, subconscious drives, sexual energy)
In hindsight, I suppose that I didn’t notice because the intimacy between my partner and I had actually reached a culmination after a slow but steady decline over the course of a couple of years. It was the following month in December, at the full moon in my Gemini 5th house, that brought an end to the relationship. This isn’t the story that I want to focus on today, but is a situation that fills in the context of what’s happened in my life since my last writing.
And it’s more of a reason why I believe that tomorrow’s Full Moon in my Cancer 10th house may finally indicate my dad’s passing. Before I analyse the astrology, I want to preface by saying that I am quite ready for my dad to surrender, especially because his quality of life has really diminished since his cancer diagnosis (not long after the new moon in Cancer in July 2024). His fortnightly blood transfusions are no longer revitalising him physically as they initially did. Instead of experiencing a complete reversal of symptoms such as low appetite, tiredness, coldness and numbness/tingling, the transfusions are now only alleviating the severity of the symptoms. His physical body has continued to dwindle, and there is not much left apart from skin and bones. I know that he is exhausted, but mentally at peace.
So, let’s look at this Full Moon transit and the parts of my natal chart that it activates. I also want to point out the significance of the timing based on when my dad started to lose his appetite and subsequently diagnosed with MDS, which has probably progressed to AML at this point. This is contained within the synodic cycle of the Sun & Moon which started with a conjunction (0°) in my Cancer 10th house in early July 2024, and is now culminating/peaking at the opposition (180°) in January 2025. It is exact in Perth, Australia, at 6:27am on the 14th Jan, which means that the most probable time for events to unfold is within 3 days of the exact opposition, with the bigger story unfolding over the next 6 months.
This has been touted as quite a potent & karmic full moon thanks to the conjunction with the out-of-sign Mars-Pluto opposition, as well as the wedge that’s formed with the Lunar Nodes. Mars is in his fall in the emotional waters of Cancer and at the same time, is erratically supercharged as he is retrograding (closest he is to Earth on his orbital path) and out of bounds by declination (beyond the 23.5° axial tilt of the Moon-Earth orbital plane with reference to the Sun-Earth plane).
The activation of the Cancer-Capricorn axis emphasises the themes of restructuring my deepest emotional and familial bonds, through an intensely cathartic & transformative emotional release. This is further emphasised by the 4th-10th house axis activation in my chart, since Cancer naturally rules the 4th house representing nurturing, home, ancestry, roots, endings, and Capricorn naturally rules the 10th house representing public status, career, and legacy.
The Pluto-Mars opposition calls me to surrender control and to embrace the transformative release while the flow to the Lunar Nodes encourages me to trust in the divine purpose of this significantly fated moment, as my dad transitions from the physical to spiritual plane. The Neptune-North Node conjunction in my Pisces 6th house invites me to connect with unconditional love, compassion, and boundless transcendence.
The first major natal chart activation is the North node squaring my IC/MC axis - or my anaretic Sun in Sagittarius 3rd house being at the North bending of the Nodes, which also pulls in my sensitive IC/MC axis. This indicates a significant turning point that forces me to actively strive toward my North Node purpose of building a values-aligned legacy, by integrating the lessons of my familial and emotional roots. With Vesta conjunct my Midheaven in Cancer, there’s a sense of sacred duty and devotion that’s tied to my path of nurturing and healing.
The Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces harmoniously flows in a trine to my Venus-North Node conjunction, further emphasising the opportunity for karmic growth. With my South Node in Taurus, I’m being encouraged to let go of karmic attachments to material security, comfort zones, and dependency on others. As a Libra rising, my chart ruler is Venus, which amplifies the importance of embodying my authentic self as I commit to my values, align my daily life with my higher purpose, and embrace transformative growth in love, self-worth & resources.
The North Node trines my natal anaretic Pluto in Scorpio 2nd house while the South Node conjuncts my natal Chiron in Virgo 12th house. This activation encourages me to harmonise my material stability with spiritual fulfilment. I’m being asked to release inherited wounds that are tied to feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness, and self-sacrifice or guilt tied to ancestral conditioning.
Speaking of my natal anaretic Pluto, its profoundly transformative power is involved in both a kite and mystic rectangle formation. Despite the tension of the Full Moon & Mars-Pluto opposition, the Sun-Uranus trine, Moon-Pluto trine, Sun-Pluto sextile and Moon-Uranus sextile adds layers of ease, which enables me to integrate the intense changes into my daily life without feeling overwhelmed. I’m being called process my emotions in an innovative and adaptive way, channelling them into creative transformation.
The Full Moon & Mars-Pluto opposition also sextiles to transit North node at the anaretic degree of Pisces and my natal anaretic Pluto, forming a harmonious but powerfully transformative kite. I’m being asked to release unaligned attachments and outdated fears to balance my external responsibilities with my personal desires and creativity so that I can channel my energy into purposeful and healing work that’s tied to my higher mission.
If I’m being honest, I’m quite mentally and physically fried at the moment, so I’ll stop my writing here. I wanted to write about more but I’ll save it for another day. I’m taking my dad to his hospital appointment this morning and we’ll get to spend some more quality time together over lunch.
Otherwise, I’m holding my breath, especially over the next few days.
Much love,